No. TMF University is a synchronous learning program. Each course is presented in a live setting via Zoom to registered learners on designated dates.
Each interactive, instructor-led course is approximately 3 hours long.
Most learners spend 2-3 hours each week (in addition to attending the class) completing the competency assessments that are required for the TMF Associate and TMF Manager Qualifications.
No. Assessments are due within one week of the live course presentation.
Feedback to the assessor is due within 72 hours of receipt, even if the 72-hour window falls on a weekend. All assessment portfolios must be finalized within 14 calendar days of the initial submission.
Yes. Course content and recordings are available for review in the TMF University ShareFile portal. You will receive instructions on how to set up your ShareFile account following the first course of the program in which you are enrolled.
Yes. Payment is due with the registration to secure your seat in the cohort.
Yes. Each cohort is limited to 12 learners.
For more information about TMF University, registration or payment, please contact us at +1 (980) 206-3216 (EST/US) or